Market Access & Reimbursement Program

(!!) Important notice (!!) The costs for the program can be covered by the Zorgtech Programmavoucher. We understand that there is a possibility that you will not receive the voucher, or that the voucher is not available in the future, which makes it difficult for you to pay for the program. By filling in this form we do not automatically expect you to pay the full price. Only after you have received the voucher, will we send out the invoice! If for some reason you will not receive the voucher, we will have a chat about how you can still enter the program. This form is only the start of the journey!


Functioneel. Noodzakelijk om de website te laten functioneren.

Analytisch. Om bij te houden hoeveel mensen de website bezoeken.

Tracking. Om je een zo goed mogelijke ervaring te geven, de website te verbeteren, jou relevante informatie en advertenties te laten zien, en voor social media. Uitschakelen